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Showing posts from September, 2007

Intranet eating out

- how your intranet can have a free lunch by c onsuming XML services from the internet Business Problem Staff need to know the time in other offices around the world. The intranet tool I'd built in house worked well but every time somewhere changed their daylight saving time one or more office time's got out of synch and ended up being wrong. The tool relied on staff picking up problems, reporting them and me reacting. My reaction involved referencing the information on And updating my code with what I found. Being keen on meeting new folks I contacted Steffen Thorsen, who created and maintains, to see if he had any suggestions about my problem. The Solution Steffen said he was in the process of creating XML services that he thought might fit our requirements. Once had given me a profile for their XML service I started looking at how I could reproduce my intran