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Showing posts from September, 2008

Task measurement webinar - my summary

A couple of nights ago I was up at 2am to listen to Gerry McGovern ( and Rolf Molich ( talk about how they quantify task measurement. I've listened to a couple of Gerry's web casts in the past and I think this one really made a very good compromise between providing useful information, and promoting the products Gerry sells via Customer Care Words. The following is my take on what Gerry and Rolf were trying to get across. Two really useful little things to begin with - a user click takes 4 to 5 seconds and to gain executive traction show user experience before and after. Gerry spoke about failure of intranets based on tools and content. Circa 2000 IT managed an intranet full of tools and the post 2000 intranet stuffed full of content managed by the communications team "like giving a pub to an alcoholic" - Gerry McGovern Gerry sees intranets today being TASK focused - the task solving t

8th Annual Intranet summit - August Wellington New Zealand

This is a summary of information relating to the recent 8th Annual Intranet summit. Some feedback from delegates via the Kiwi Intranets group - Michael Sampson blogged most presenters at the summit - Dave Lane's presentation on Open source Intranets - Mike Riversdale presented and provides his comments and talk here - Chandima Kulathilake spoke about SharePoint and corporate governance - I've provided comment on some of my thoughts around the event - Red Shoe Girl, who attended has some comments on her impressions of many of the speakers and what their talks meant for her -

Architect or Cartographer

Aaron Resting in a recent post on A list apart gives a very thought provoking look at the framework we view what it is to be intranet professionals through, and what it could mean to change that framework. How do you see yourself ? architect or cartographer ? Or something in between perhaps ? Aaron's musings tie well with the last sentence of an article by Elizabeth Marsh (IBF) from July In it she muses, in the last sentence, on how formal the term intranet is, compared to the reality of what intranets as concepts / things actually achieve. The area of language and how our ability to document in words what it is we, intranet professionals, do is something that I feel has importance for us all. If we can get our heads around the words then we'll find it easier to articulate the value we deliver to those who control the organisation