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Showing posts from June, 2009


Photo by hoyasmeg "Revolution doesn't happen when society adopts new tools, it happens when society adopts new behaviours" Clay Shirky The organisations we manage intranets within serve institutional societies. Delivering benefit to the organisations intranets serve requires that we as intranet managers provide the tools, that provide the opportunity for behaviours to change. The changed behaviour delivers benefit to the organisations we serve. How do you facilitate changes in behaviour by the members of your organisation ? Share you highs and lows.

Closing the feedback loop

Photo by MrHayata My recent post on intranet profiles elicited a comment from Adriana Beal of 2wtx consulting . Out of that I accepted her invitation to provide 2wtx's user centered design blog "It's Broken" with a guest post. Adriana originally asked me to talk about the difference a well designed intranet could make, having looked at "It's Broken" and taken a stab at the audience I wrote about closing the Intranet feedback loop . This is a topic that I've been wrestling with recently. Many of the requests that come across my desk have great planning, lofty goals and real organisational benefits but no feedback mechanism. No way to ensure, that if the solution isn't quite right, that the users of the system have some way of initiating improvements. Take search for example - I've done quite a lot of work trying to improve search by analysing the log files I've got our search engine to create. I've got best bets, I look at the top 50