Next week is the 8th annual New Zealand Information Management summit (hash tag #imsnz10) and I'm stepping into the lions den with my social media hat on.
Until I started preparing for this event I'd not realised the degree of rivalry that exists between some sectors of the Knowledge Management world and the Social Media world. Outlined particularly by Venkatesh Roa and Robert Swanwick but also reinforced by the extensive articles on the development of KM by Nancy Dixon.
With this forewarning I’ve been collating what I can , in expectation of a number of curly questions from the audience, using delicious. These links and an interesting article in the Harvard Business Review I came across about the benefits of giving up control will I hope see me right. Together with some useful lessons from social media usage where I’m working now I’m looking forward to IMSNZ10.
What do you think ?
Are social media and knowledge management rivals ?
Are they mutually exclusive ?