I've been asked to present a Live Intranet tour for the Intranet Benchmarking Forum's 24 hour event in a couple of days.
I've blogged about the IBF intranet's live online meetings previsously, this time I'll be presenting for their second (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) Intranets 24 hour event. Over the span of 24 hours the IBF team will be hosting a huge number of world leading intranet live tours and a large number of intranet thought leaders.
Interestingly they've adopted the "digital workplace" as a sub title for the event. This is a theme of web workplace or digital workplace was originally raised by Jane McConnell on her blog Globally Local and Locally Global. It is great to see because the term intranet is so far from the reality for many organisations in this day and age.
Attendance is FREE and I'd highly recommend anyone with an interest in intranets attend.
It is on 2nd and 3rd of June so SOON.
For your free ticket to attend you do have to let IBF know about the role you play within your organisation as far as the intranet goes but it isn't too detailed or onerous.
To do so go to
then click the "online now" link
then click register
Fill in the details to register your attendance
The programme
As I live in New Zealand I've translated the programme into NZ times.
From Noon London time on Tuesday (11pm NZ time on Wednesday the 2nd) the 24hr round the world intranet event begins.
You can dip in and out as you see fit.
The British Telecom (Mark Morrell) intranet will be very interesting Between 11pm Wednesday the 2nd and 5am Wed the 3rd NZ time.
5am - 11am Thursday 3rd NZ time - US Nokia intranet (Angela Hoffman talking through changes since I last blogged about Nokia's intranet), Steve Krug - "don't make me think" author
11am - 5pm Thursday 3rd NZ time - US east coast intranets
4pm - 8pm Thursday 3rd NZ time - Australia / New Zealand intranets - I'll be presenting the Lincoln Univeristy live intranet tour
8pm - 11pm Thursday 3rd NZ time - Aviva , British Airways and BBC intranet tours.
I hope some of you attend.
I've seen many of these intranets and they provide great inspiration for those of you out there making your web workplaces better.