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Showing posts from September, 2009

SharePoint governance - a Parliamentary perspective

Recently I've been thinking about Governance for intranet sites, SharePoint and intranets as a whole. Earlier this year I was lucky enough to present alongside some great folks from Telcom NZ, The department of Transport NZ, and NZ Parliament. The team from NZ Parliament have come up with a governance structure that works really well for them in a very technically, politically and legally complex environment. I talked to Tracy Parsons from NZ Parliament recently and she outlined what the force was that drove the move to this structure and the benefits they derive from it. Originally the governance structure was setup quite differently. Large web site and intranet development projects were initiated and resulted in very project - focused governance structures being put in place. The projects transitioned form implementation to work as usual, this highlighted how project focused governance structures don’t suit work as usual operations. The two senior business owners, who had